Yoga in Daily Life, the System is created by H.H. Vishwaguru Paramhansa Swami Maheshwarananda.
It is based on the ancient yogic teachings and is the complete system for the development of the body,
Currently we are offering and conducting diploma courses of the first three levels of the System and PG Diploma in Yoga in affiliation with Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Sanskrit University, Jaipur.
Organisation and Participation at Conferences Promoting Yoga, Health, Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Dialogues and World Peace (excerpt)
- January 2003, International Conference on Yoga in Daily Life & Health in Jodhpur
- 16th and 17th December 2003, Second International Conference on Ayush Remedies and Herbal Tourism: Patron of the conference was Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranand Ji, the chairman was Dr D.N.Tiwari (Member- Planning Commission). The Honourable Vice President of India, Sri Bhairon Singh Ji Shekhawat, graced the function as the chief guest.
- January 2004, International Conference on World Peace, Ahmedabad/India
- November 2004, International Conference on the Role of Indian Culture in World Peace, Shree Vishwa Deep Gurukul, Jadan
- January 2004, International Yoga Conference YOGACON-2004, Jaipur/India
- February 2005, International Conference on "Sustainable Health and Word Peace", Jadan, Shree Vishwa Deep Gurukul
- February 2006, International Youth Conference in Jadan
- November 2010, International Earth Charter + 10 Conference, Ahmedabad
- June 2015, IDY Conference on “Yoga for Holistic Health”, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
- October 2015, Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council Summit: “Yoga – a path to non-violence and World peace”, United Nations, Vienna, Austria, Europea
- 21st International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications (INCOFYRA), SVYASA, Bangalore
- June 2016, IDY Conference on “Yoga for the Body and Beyond”, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
- December 2016, Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council Summit: “Yoga in Daily Life – a path to non-violence and World peace”, Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
- October 2017, International Yoga Conference, New Delhi, Ayush

Sri Devpuriji Ashram
Sri Devpuriji Ashram is founded in 2001 by H.H. Vishwaguruji.
It is situated on the top of a hill near the Qutub Minar in Mehrauli, New Delhi.
Full address is:
Yoga in Daily Life Foundation
Sri Devpuriji Ashram
Ridge Castle 5th Floor (near Competent Motors Workshop)
Dada Bari Road, Mehrauli
New Delhi, 110030
Phone: +91 (0)11 26641770

OM Ashram
Om Ashram is located in the beautiful semi desert area of Pali, Rajasthan. Remote and serene location helps in yogic practice and in developing inner strenght.
Full address:
Yoga in Daily Life Foundation
Om Ashram
306 401 Jadan, Distr. Pali, Rajasthan
Telephone: +91-2935-274-035, +91-2935-274-071
Mobile: +91 900 1295 131
Fax: +91-2935-274-008
Diploma Courses
Yoga in Daily Life, the System Level 1
Place: Sri Devpuriji Ashram, New Delhi or Om Ashram, Jadan, Pali
Yoga in Daily Life, the System Level 1 and Level 2
Place: Sri Devpuriji Ashram, New Delhi or Om Ashram, Jadan, Pali
Yoga in Daily Life, the System Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
Place: Sri Devpuriji Ashram, New Delhi or Om Ashram, Jadan, Pali